If you assume that expanding your company will increase your bottom line drastically but not sure if it is worth the expense and hassle, do not worry. There is so much of help around. Consider rising factors businesses are expanding before making a final decision. Then, check your options for moving forward and growing your company. Here are the key reasons for the companies to grow, which need extra capital resources. Marketing and Commercialization. Marketing investment is crucial to boost growth in the company. Whether you need a warehouse or…
Read MoreDay: April 3, 2020
Claiming GST As Input Tax Credit: Benefits And Process Explained
From the point when the goods and services tax (GST) came into effect on July 1, 2017, the Indian economy has seen a plethora of regulations implemented by the GST council. GST – ‘one nation, one tax’ reform – is one indirect tax for the whole nation, which has made India one unified common market. Input Tax Credit (ITC) (right from the manufacturing stage until the good reaches the end consumer) is one of the key features of the GST regime. ITC is a mechanism of avoiding cascading of taxes. Cascading of taxes,…
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