The Closed-Circuit Television cameras popularly called as CCTV cameras send signals from security cameras to the monitor instead of public broadcasting. Since they are connected to the internet as part of the internet of things or IoT or through networking, often CCTV surveillance systems are part of cyber security concernsand are vulnerable to cyberattacks. If you are considering installing CCTV surveillance system for private or commercial purposes you should well aware of their functionalities as well as their vulnerabilities.
In order to get the best out of CCTV surveillance, you need to know how they function and how to use them productively to get maximum benefit. To begin with the functions of CCTV surveillance, you need to strategically install and place the CCTV cameras around your house or a commercial building.
Remember, the most appropriate place to install the CCTV camera is the entrance and exist besides other places as per your requirements. A home surveillance system can effectively monitor the possibilities of the break-in and protect you from theft and unwanted intruders. In the first step, there are two basic types of CCTV cameras, the visible and the hidden cameras. The visible cameras are seen by people and they know that they are being watched or under CCTV surveillance. On the other hand, hidden cameras capture everybody along with them who try to hide. The hidden cameras also can catch employee theft to know which of your employees are honest which is further called “inventory shrinkage” in the retail industry.
The CCTV has 4 basic parts, a CCTV camera, the lens, monitor and the cables. The signals from the CCTV camera are sent to the monitor through the wireless system or through cables which makes them “closed circuit” in other words, no other people would access your video footage. The contemporary CCTV surveillance systems have replaced the older version of grainy black and white monitors with modern high-resolution colour security camera systems. The video is normally recorded with DVR or other latest technologies and some CCTV systems tracks the movements and allow zoom in and zoom out. This helps the security personnel monitor suspicious persons walking around your commercial building.
The CCTV cameras are popularly used by private or commercial interests as well as for government purposes. Many organizations like banks, airports etc. need CCTV systems necessarily for security monitoring purposes. In private usages of CCTV surveillance, the CCTV cameras detect burglars and thieves by their footagewhich are necessary evidence for the police and investigation.