Important Things to Know About Computer Forensics

Computer forensics refers to the process of analyzing data made or contained within computer systems to find out what took place, how and when it happened, as well as the people involved. It determines, gathers, analyzes, and preserves digital information so it can be obtained later and used as court evidence.

Common Situations in which Computer Forensics Is Used

Elijah computer forensics is used in case of unauthorized disclosure of corporate data and when a worker steals intellectual property from their employer and shares it with a competitor or uses it to set up a competing firm. Computer forensic is also vital when an employee violates a computer policy like when and how to use the internet. Some companies have set rules on the way the computer or the internet must be used. If anyone in the company uses the systems for any illegal activity, computer forensics can help in determining when and how such illegalities took place. Another situation in which computer forensics is used include white-collar crimes. These refer to nonviolent and financially-motivated crimes committed by business or government professionals. They include Ponzi schemes, identity theft, and advance-fee schemes. In all of these cases, the evidence needs to be obtained and handled properly so it can be admissible in court.

Who Uses Computer Forensics

Although computer forensics might have been used traditionally by law enforcers such as the police to fight against crimes, it is currently used by private and commercial organizations for a multitude of purposes.  The computer system may serve as a scene of a crime in cases of denial-service attacks and hacking. Also, the system may hold evidence of the crime. Many people even store information in computer systems unintentionally. Computer forensic investigations produce evidence in the form of emails, internet history, and documents.

Aside from digital information, law enforcement officers may use the metadata of a file to find out more about a certain crime. It is the job of a computer forensic analyst to identify when the file was first made, edited, and printed or last saved.

Computer forensics is quite concerned with the presentation of legally acceptable evidence, reports, and conclusions which makes it important for investigators to follow some rules and guidelines to preserve their work’s integrity. Forensic analysts should not change data on a device that may be used as court evidence. Their audit trail should also be clearly understandable.

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