The Cheapest Places to Buy a Property in the Newcastle, UK.

Newcastle, United Kingdom is a good location to buy a property in the North East. It is a city with a medium population size of about 292, 200, or thereabout as recorded in 2010. Newcastle is the capital city of the northeast, England. Widely, the Tyneside area has about a 1.65million people living in the jurisdiction.

The investment opportunities in Newcastle, UK are evident via the strong economy that was built on the mining of coal and building of ships. These posit that almost everywhere in the capital city of the north-east of England is suitable for buying properties.

However, it is immaterial to locate those places where one can buy a property without getting to know where cheaper ones can be gotten. The rationale behind locating cheaper and affordable places to buy properties is to buy budget-friendly properties while you save for another time or spend on other areas.

Based on the information obtained from Hometrack, the northeast of England- Newcastle, is, historically, the most affordable place to get properties at pocket-sized prices in the whole of England.

If you are someone with such motive, keep reading as this article shall advance to you the cheapest locales to buy a property in Newcastle, United Kingdom.

North Shield

North Shields is a part of the coastal areas up north. Based on the estimation gathered, it is a little bit cheaper to buy a property in North Shields, Newcastle, United Kingdom. This is unlike other places earlier-mentioned. According to Quick Property Buyer, it has an estimated value of a property over there is £159, 456.

East Castle – Byker & Walker

Some outlets in the eastern part of the Castle have budget-friendly prices for acquiring properties. Some of those places are Byker & Walker. It was recorded by Totally Money that as cheap as properties are, at the affected places in the East Castle, this area is still listed as one of the places that yield best in England. £134, 801 is the calculated price.


This is a separate town from Newcastle. It is situated across River Tyne within an outstanding road and metro network to the city. Average prices of properties are cheaper here. You’re on the go with £115, 220.

West Castle

Places like Fenham, Elswick, Scotswood & Benwell in the Eastern part of the Castle have the best of estimated affordable prices to acquire properties. It’s not on the Metro network but, remains the cheapest in the whole of England. Buying a property in the area has been estimated to be just £76,000 if selling property quickly. This affords you to continue saving, footing other expenses while you don’t put a stop to property acquisition.

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